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About Kevin

Kevin J. Groves, Family Lawyer & Mediator

I bring dedication, compassion and 15 years of experience as a family lawyer.

The best teacher is experience. I know this to be true from my own divorce. I am proud to help clients negotiate and litigate when they are divorcing, seeking guardianship of their children, dividing property or applying for financial support. I know when to settle, mediate or go to trial at all levels of court in British Columbia. I know it takes long hours, determination and tenacity to succeed. I enjoy helping clients navigate emotionally charged family law issues. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than receiving thanks from a happy client who has obtained a favourable result. It is an opportunity to help someone get through one of the worst times in their lives.

Photo of Kevin Groves, Family Lawyer, Divorce Solutions


  • Bachelor of Laws, University of British Columbia, 2008
  • Master of Journalism, University of British Columbia, 2004
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours, with distinction), University of Victoria, 2002

  • Family Law Mediator since 2019
  • Called to the bar in British Columbia May, 2009

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